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Saturday, June 14, 2008
I have discovered what I believe to be the greatest TV show ever known to mankind. I've been watchng it for weeks now. I'm hooked and I never miss an episode. I even watch the reruns. It's aired on FitTV on Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm and if you haven't seen it, watch it. If you don't get FitTV, call your cable company and DEMAND that they make that channel available! The show is called Shimmy. It teaches you how to belly dance! This show has me mesmerized every time it comes on. The women are beautiful; their movements are graceful and the wardrobe is fantastic! Karen and Adalat are my two favorite dancers. In my opinion, they are also the two best dancers. This is the greatest TV show ever invented by mankind and you should watch it every time it comes on the air. Check out the website by clicking here. I want to personally thank whoever came up with the idea for creating this ground-breaking television program. This show is truly making the world a better place to live in.
Posted by vader6
at 2:47 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, June 14, 2008 3:02 PM EDT
Thursday, June 12, 2008
So we were having a slow period at work and I was looking for something to do. I walked up to one of the new nurses who was standing in a group of other nurses with nothing to do. I asked her if she needed help with anything and she said that she didn't. She held up a red cup and said that she was just waiting around for a patient to give her a stool sample so that she could take it to the lab. She had a rather frustrated look on her face because she had been waiting on said sample for quite some time now. Of course me, being the smart-ass that I am said "Do you want me to go in there and give them some encouragement?" She replied "Like what, cheer them on?" Still being ever the smart-ass, I came up with the Poo Poo Cheer. Imagine cheerleaders at a football game. It goes something like this: And that, ladies and gentlemen is what we do at work whenever we have some down time!
Posted by vader6
at 8:00 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, June 14, 2008 2:47 PM EDT
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I haven't posted in a while, so I am sitting here at work with nothing to do (yet) since its still very early in the shift thinking to myself that now might be a good time to jot a few lines down. Early in the shift is about the only time that I'll ever be able to do this when I'm working. Last week we had a 9 month old baby brought in by EMS. I was working up front in the Triage area when all of a sudden 1 very hysterical woman and a rather anxious looking man came up to the window. The woman was crying uncontrollably and asking to be let in to see her baby. Now, since I was working in Triage and not back in the actual ER itself, I didn't know what she was talking about. That was because things were so busy that day that the charge nurse didn't have time to tell me that EMS was bringing in a pediatric patient. I told the couple to wait a minute and went back to see what was going on with a pediatric patient, assuming that EMS had brought him/her in. To my horror, I found out that the patient was in cardiac arrest and that pratically the whole ER was working the "code" on her. I rushed back to Triage to let the parents in. I explained to them that there were a lot of people working on their daughter to try to save her life and to be prepared to see things like IV's, breathing tubes and defibrillation (electrical shock therapy to the heart). I wasn't able to stay to help because I was needed elsewhere in the ER. I'm actually kind of glad because the little girl wasn't able to be resuscitated. She was pronounced dead a short time later. Needless to say, it was a sad moment not only for the parents, but for the whole ER. At this point I feel the need to say that some people really suck. Really. Remember that "anxious" man that I told you about? He turned out to be the father of the little girl. I use the term loosely. In Tennessee, it is mandatory that infants who have died receive an autopsy, no matter what. Therefore we sent the body of the little girl to the coroner's office. It turns out that the little girl had been abused. She had some rib fractures, a ruptured liver and bleeding in her brain. It turns out that the father of the child was responsible. What makes it worse is that he had just gotten out of jail a few weeks earlier for several things, one of which was battery of a woman. That just makes me sick to my stomach. How can anyone to that to a little child? I can understand becoming so mad at someone that you just want to hit them, but not at a child! A child should never have that done to them, no matter what. And just what did that accomplish for that guy? Now he's in jail on murder charges, his wife (and he) are childless and the little girl is dead. What good came out of that for him? None, that's what. If anyone in the world deserves to have their knees turned into hamburger meat by me and my Louisville Slugger, its that guy. Then he needs to be put under the jail. Forever.
Posted by vader6
at 9:07 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 9:09 AM EDT
Friday, May 23, 2008
Well, nothing much has happened this week. I worked the weekend, then had 3 days off. All I did was pretty much stay at home. I didn't get out too much; just to run some errands, then go straight back home. I've gotten back into collecting comic books after taking a 15 year (or more) break from the whole thing. I don't know what really made me pick it back up. I just randomly went into a comic shop back at the first of the year just because it was in the shopping center where I was at. I bought a Red Sonja comic because it seemed interesting and BAM I was hooked again. So I've started collecting Red Sonja and a couple of other titles. Now I'm remembering why I quit collecting the first time. When I get into doing something, I go all out with it, so I've been on a mission to get my hands on every Red Sonja comic that I can. I've nearly done it, too. That's what I spent my days off doing...organizing my collection. I know, it's sad, but I think that I got it all out of my system now. The only thing left to do is wait for my monthly comic to arrive at the store. Maybe it's time to move on to something else...but I'm not sure what. Anyway, as I was out running some errands the other day, I saw a sign on a church that said "Fear the Lord". Fear the Lord? WTF are these people, some sort of crazy fanatics or something? I don't know about you, but I don't want to worship a God that I have to live in fear of. I'd rather worship a kind and loving God that has my best interest in mind. That, ladies and gentlemen is just one of the problems that I have with the christian religion - the fear element. It seems that throughout history, the people in charge of the church, whoever that may be, have used the "fear factor" to get us to be "born again". That's just plain wrong. Look, if God is real and what the Bible says is true, then why should we have to FEAR god? Why shouldn't we just be able to do what the Bible says and let that get us in to Heaven? I think that the reason that fear and initmidation is used by the church is because they KNOW that God is basically just a theory, a concept, and that there isn't really any way to actually PROOVE that He exists other than dying! I don't know about you, but I've never known anyone who has actually died, came back and said "All that Bible stuff is true!" Therefore, they resort to scare tactics in order to get us to conform. But you don't want bore yourself with my rants on religion, do you? No, I don't think that you do. I think that's all for now. Maybe something exciting will happen over the weekend that I can tell you about.
Posted by vader6
at 9:08 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:06 PM EDT
Friday, May 16, 2008
Two years after its release, I've finally gottn around to watching An Inconvenient Truth. In fact, I've just now finished watching it. It seems that I owe Al Gore an apology. I never really bought in to Gore's whole "Global Warming" thing. I mean, sure, the climate is getting warmer, but I was just thinking that it was due to the usual waxing and waning that the climate usually does every few centuries. I was 100% sure that Gore was trying to pin the whole thing on mankind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not stupid enough to think that we weren't doing anything in the entire process. I knew that we were at least speeding it up. That's really what Gore is saying if you read between the lines. He's not blaming mankind for the whole mess, he's saying that we're contributing to speeding the whole mess up! I hate to say it, but I actually agree with him. You see the reason that I never saw this movie until now is because I don't actually like Al Gore and I certainly don't agree with his politics. So, I didn't see the movie because of those reasons, mainly. I also thought that this was a cause that he picked up after loosing the presidential election in order to keep himself in the spotlight. I was wrong. It turns out that this has been a passion of his ever since he was in college. The research that he put into this project is amazing and he's very well versed in what he's saying. I have a new-found respect for him. I also agree with his message and I think that what he is doing is a highly admirable thing. So therefore I owe you an apology, Al Gore. While I still don't agree with your politics (and shame on you for putting them in this movie), I do agree with what you are trying to accomplish. I have a respect for you that I didn't have in the past and I certainly hope that not only the United States, but the entire world opens up their ears to your voice.
Posted by vader6
at 3:31 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, May 16, 2008 3:32 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Ok, so at the request of one of the listeners to my radio show, I've decided to create a blog. I really don't think that my life is all that interesting, but some of my listeners do. Therefore, I've decided to try this whole blog thing out and see how it goes. I've never had a blog before and I'm not too sure how long this one will last but I'm at least willing to give it a try. I'm not too sure how often I'll post entries, but I'll try to do it at least once-a-week. As most of you who listen to the show may know, I work in healthcare. So this blog will contain stuff not just from my radio show, but from my personal and professional life as well. I'm sure that will make for more interesting reading than just radio show stuff. Let me know what you think about it! Hell, who knows, this may turn out to be a regular thing for me.
Posted by vader6
at 2:37 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 5:04 PM EDT
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