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The Hospital
My Adventures

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The First Post
Mood:  lazy

Ok, so at the request of one of the listeners to my radio show, I've decided to create a blog.  I really don't think that my life is all that interesting, but some of my listeners do.  Therefore, I've decided to try this whole blog thing out and see how it goes.

I've never had a blog before and I'm not too sure how long this one will last but I'm at least willing to give it a try.  I'm not too sure how often I'll post entries, but I'll try to do it at least once-a-week. 

As most of you who listen to the show may know, I work in healthcare.  So this blog will contain stuff not just from my radio show, but from my personal and professional life as well.  I'm sure that will make for more interesting reading than just radio show stuff.

Let me know what you think about it!  Hell, who knows, this may turn out to be a regular thing for me.

Posted by vader6 at 2:37 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 5:04 PM EDT

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