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Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Greatest TV Show Of All Time
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Personal Views

I have discovered what I believe to be the greatest TV show ever known to mankind.  I've been watchng it for weeks now.  I'm hooked and I never miss an episode.  I even watch the reruns.

It's aired on FitTV on Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm and if you haven't seen it, watch it.  If you don't get FitTV, call your cable company and DEMAND that they make that channel available!

The show is called Shimmy.  It teaches you how to belly dance! This show has me mesmerized every time it comes on.  The women are beautiful; their movements are graceful and the wardrobe is fantastic!

Karen and Adalat are my two favorite dancers.  In my opinion, they are also the two best dancers.

This is the greatest TV show ever invented by mankind and you should watch it every time it comes on the air.  Check out the website by clicking here. 

I want to personally thank whoever came up with the idea for creating this ground-breaking television program.  This show is truly making the world a better place to live in.

Posted by vader6 at 2:47 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, June 14, 2008 3:02 PM EDT

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