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The Hospital
My Adventures

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Poo Poo Cheer
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: The Hospital

So we were having a slow period at work and I was looking for something to do.  I walked up to one of the new nurses who was standing in a group of other nurses with nothing to do.  I asked her if she needed help with anything and she said that she didn't.  She held up a red cup and said that she was just waiting around for a patient to give her a stool sample so that she could take it to the lab. 

She had a rather frustrated look on her face because she had been waiting on said sample for quite some time now.  Of course me, being the smart-ass that I am said "Do you want me to go in there and give them some encouragement?"

She replied "Like what, cheer them on?"

Still being ever the smart-ass, I came up with the Poo Poo Cheer.  Imagine cheerleaders at a football game.  It goes something like this:

Poo Poo Cheer

And that, ladies and gentlemen is what we do at work whenever we have some down time! Wink

Posted by vader6 at 8:00 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, June 14, 2008 2:47 PM EDT

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