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Friday, May 23, 2008

Mundane Week (So Far)
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Personal Views

Well, nothing much has happened this week.  I worked the weekend, then had 3 days off.  All I did was pretty much stay at home.  I didn't get out too much; just to run some errands, then go straight back home. 

I've gotten back into collecting comic books after taking a 15 year (or more) break from the whole thing.  I don't know what really made me pick it back up.  I just randomly went into a comic shop back at the first of the year just because it was in the shopping center where I was at.  I bought a Red Sonja comic because it seemed interesting and BAM I was hooked again.  So I've started collecting Red Sonja and a couple of other titles.  Now I'm remembering why I quit collecting the first time.  When I get into doing something, I go all out with it, so I've been on a mission to get my hands on every Red Sonja comic that I can.  I've nearly done it, too.

That's what I spent my days off doing...organizing my collection.  I know, it's sad, but I think that I got it all out of my system now.  The only thing left to do is wait for my monthly comic to arrive at the store.  Maybe it's time to move on to something else...but I'm not sure what.

Anyway, as I was out running some errands the other day, I saw a sign on a church that said "Fear the Lord".  Fear the Lord?  WTF are these people, some sort of crazy fanatics or something?  I don't know about you, but I don't want to worship a God that I have to live in fear of.  I'd rather worship a kind and loving God that has my best interest in mind.  That, ladies and gentlemen is just one of the problems that I have with the christian religion - the fear element.  It seems that throughout history, the people in charge of the church, whoever that may be, have used the "fear factor" to get us to be "born again".  That's just plain wrong.  Look, if God is real and what the Bible says is true, then why should we have to FEAR god?  Why shouldn't we just be able to do what the Bible says and let that get us in to Heaven?

I think that the reason that fear and initmidation is used by the church is because they KNOW that God is basically just a theory, a concept, and that there isn't really any way to actually PROOVE that He exists other than dying!  I don't know about you, but I've never known anyone who has actually died, came back and said "All that Bible stuff is true!"  Therefore, they resort to scare tactics in order to get us to conform.

But you don't want bore yourself with my rants on religion, do you?  No, I don't think that you do.  I think that's all for now.  Maybe something exciting will happen over the weekend that I can tell you about.

Posted by vader6 at 9:08 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:06 PM EDT

Saturday, May 24, 2008 - 4:07 PM EDT

Name: "Killer"

Ultr-cool blog, man!

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