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Friday, May 16, 2008

I Owe Al Gore An Apology
Mood:  bright
Topic: Personal Views

Two years after its release, I've finally gottn around to watching An Inconvenient Truth.  In fact, I've just now finished watching it.  It seems that I owe Al Gore an apology.

I never really bought in to Gore's whole "Global Warming" thing.  I mean, sure, the climate is getting warmer, but I was just thinking that it was due to the usual waxing and waning that the climate usually does every few centuries.  I was 100% sure that Gore was trying to pin the whole thing on mankind.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not stupid enough to think that we weren't doing anything in the entire process.  I knew that we were at least speeding it up.

That's really what Gore is saying if you read between the lines.  He's not blaming mankind for the whole mess, he's saying that we're contributing to speeding the whole mess up!  I hate to say it, but I actually agree with him.

You see the reason that I never saw this movie until now is because I don't actually like Al Gore and I certainly don't agree with his politics.  So, I didn't see the movie because of those reasons, mainly.  I also thought that this was a cause that he picked up after loosing the presidential election in order to keep himself in the spotlight.  I was wrong.

It turns out that this has been a passion of his ever since he was in college.  The research that he put into this project is amazing and he's very well versed in what he's saying.  I have a new-found respect for him.  I also agree with his message and I think that what he is doing is a highly admirable thing.

So therefore I owe you an apology, Al Gore.  While I still don't agree with your politics (and shame on you for putting them in this movie), I do agree with what you are trying to accomplish.  I have a respect for you that I didn't have in the past and I certainly hope that not only the United States, but the entire world opens up their ears to your voice.

Posted by vader6 at 3:31 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, May 16, 2008 3:32 PM EDT

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